We Are Consulting Company

Engaged in the field of product registration. Established since 2017 with a reliable and experienced supporting team.
About Us

What We Do?

We are present in services that prioritize compliance with regulations applied by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

We do not assist in matters that lead to illegal or non-procedural processes of documentation.

We prioritize the direction of the work process according to regulations so that all registrants can run their business properly and accordingly.


We Help Optimally Process Regulations


BPOM Registration & SKI BPOM Assistance Services

Product registration assistance services BPOM and SKI BPOM

LPPOM MUI Halal Registration Assistance Services

Registration of Halal MUI products in the Bogor as a Halal Center

Registration Assistance Services Of The Ministry Of Health Republic Of Indonesia

Assistance in the registration of ALKES/NON-ALKES CERTIFICATES

Laboratory Test Assistance Services

Analysis testing according to the regulations


Analysis of Nutritionist and Food

Analysis of Chemist

Business Accounting Expert

General Medicine Specialist


We Are Professional Team

We will help you to run business properly and We are ready served to all parts of Indonesia

Our Lovely Customers

We have handled big companies and All our customers are happy

export identification number, import identification number, industrial building, factory building, BPOM, cpkb, cpob, cpotb, cppob, product import, distribution permit, bpom management service, BPom consultant, cosmetics, BPOM legality, local product, food, customs registration number, special import identification number, establishment of amdk factory, handling BPom, medicinal products

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